Standing as silent sentinels to history are the 350-odd forts of Maharashtra. They are the last lingering memories of Maratha Empire. Surviving forts are the tangible link between contemporary society of Maharashtra & the era of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji Maharaj established independent Maratha Empire from these forts…hence historical value of these forts is immeasurable. Political circumstances of that era were such that possession of strategic forts was equivalent to power to rule the Dakhhan platue. In extremely adverse conditions Shivaji Maharaj realised his dream of ‘Swarajya’ because of these forts. However, today none of these historical site & forts can be seen in its true glory. Time, human negligence and inadequate heritage protection policies have taken toll on physical form of these irreplaceable assets. As per the current legislation for heritage sites, complete restoration & reconstruction is not permissible. One can only guess the grandeur of bygone era… cannot see it…cannot experience it. Hence, to address this situation Shri Babasaheb developed the notion of ‘Shivasrushti’ - an epic heritage park....a majestic enclave...one stop treasure house which will offer a holistic experience of inspiring Maratha history...
Shivasrushti will be in the form of collage of fort architecture. One can experience all the salient features of lost fort architecture at Shivasrushti. The cultural park itself will be a live fort bustling with numerous activities of that era. The first phase of this project – Sarkar Wada is complete & gloriously standing on site at Ambegaon, Pune. The Sarkar Wada is an interpretation for the entire project. It is well equipped with an administrative centre, research library, multipurpose hall and exhibition galleries. Contemporary society and future generations should observe, experience and follow the philosophy of visionary king and valour of his soldiers is the main objective of Pratishthan for creating this mega project.